archived Gbook The Design This Dweller Thank You

hmm.. taking a break from studying for the history test, so i decided to update this sad little thing called a diary, that i haven't touched in awhile.

life is boring again. besides the slight paranoia from mom, life has pretty much gone back to normalacy- meaning, school, homework, homework and sleep. nothing much else to do and not much time to do it.

i used to think that my life was interesting but then, i've realised that it really isn't.

charlene and cherylyn were telling me about cheryl while we were waiting for the bus today. shoot me, condemn me, ridicule me, but i think that both cheryl and irene are both very victimized. i mean, sure, they do have their quirks, but who doesn't?

so, they might not fit in with our idea of what an scgs girl should be, but who are we to judge them?

take irene for example. she doesn't come from a very wealthy family, or if she does, she hardly shows it. she is teased about being kiasu and acting much older then her age. yes, she can be naggy but that belies honesty and warmth. more than can be said about some people. why can't we praise her for being resourceful and thrifty? why do people tease her for her faults but not look at her better qualities- her warm personality, her concern for others and the fact that she does not boast? instead, people mimic her, laugh at her behind her back and look down upon her.

she told amrita to shut up once when she could no longer endure the teasing. i envied her courage to stand up for herself. but later, amrita complained, "who does she think she is?", she said. the exact question she should ask herself, i think.

cheryl is the same. she might talk to herself sometimes and people will laugh, saying that she is strange but perhaps we should reflect upon our behaviour too.

do they not have feelings too? do they not need to feel accepted and appreciated? besides, at least they are unique individuals, at least they stand out. who wants to be the same as everyone else anyway?

you might not agree with me, i do not expect everyone to, but this is just my $0.02 worth.

Oh, the Irony - Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009
Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
Wan Bakes Too! - Friday, Jan. 02, 2009
Trust - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008