archived Gbook The Design This Dweller Thank You

i'm dead tired. after this i'm heading off to bed.

today was a pretty good day for me. got our amath test back. 26/30! guess all the practice questions from the TYS i did really paid off! whoo! okay, so maybe i could have gotten 28 if i had more time but i'm glad i did well. that's like the highest i've ever gotten on an amath test, or should i say math test ever so yes, i'm happy. :)

we had to practice these national day songs. lol, i still remember mrs. chen catawaling into the microphone in primary school and my class had the ill fortune of sitting under the loudspeakers in the hall. if i ever have a favourite national day song, it's gonna have to be 'this is my land' cause it's the oldest one i know and it reminds me of my primary school days, the days that were worry-free. *reminisce*

received a birthday card from mrs goh. i kinda miss her. guess it's true that one doesn't learn to treasure a person until they're gone. i remember my class used to dislike her alot but as the year progressed, i slowly learnt to like her more and more and when we were told that she was resigning at the end of the year we all felt really sad. i can remember the whole class crying together on the last day of school or something like that. that was the first time i can ever recall crying in school. although she still drops by in school to pick her daughter up on fridays, i haven't seen her since january this year but it's nice to know that she hasn't forgotten us. :)

ya, well. i'm outta here. g'night!

Oh, the Irony - Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009
Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
Wan Bakes Too! - Friday, Jan. 02, 2009
Trust - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008