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don't waste your breath

why you shouldn't listen to groban when you're feeling down:
1)it makes you sink to greater depths of depression.
2) it makes you want to cry.

why crying is bad:
1)it makes you feel even worse/it makes you want to cry somemore.
2)it makes your eyes red and swollen, which is terrible terrible.
3)it dries up your eyes so much, they hurt the next day/a few hours later.
4)it stuffs up your nose so you can breathe properly, leaving you feeling really horrible when you've your sanity back.
5)it's a waste of tissue paper.
6)your nose starts feeling really sore after the fifth or sixth piece of tissue.

why crying into your pillow is bad:
1)your pillow gets wet so you can't sleep properly after you've tired yourself out by crying too much (assuming you can get any sleep with a blocked nose, of course).

in conclusion (as mrs tan always told us to write in history essays), from the points i have listed above, it is obvious that crying is bad and a waste of time and energy.

whee? =P

Oh, the Irony - Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009
Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
Wan Bakes Too! - Friday, Jan. 02, 2009
Trust - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008