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argh. apparently we can go back to school to get books and stuff at 8. why not earlier, i wonder. dad's agreed to drop me off at school but it'd still be an hour's journey home.

not much under my table. most of it's quite unimportant, only my amath textbook, jecket, cme books and test tubes but there's this nagging feeling at the back of my head that i need to go get my stuff. hmm.. wonder why.

question of the day- to go, or not to go?

okay, so i'm lazy. sue me. ;p

Oh, the Irony - Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009
Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
Wan Bakes Too! - Friday, Jan. 02, 2009
Trust - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008