archived Gbook The Design This Dweller Thank You
Of Ninety-Nine Dollar T-shirts
Man, it feels nice to chill out.

Went shopping today and incredibly, I didn't come home empty handed! I seem to have this knack of not being able to find things to buy. Seriously, I can be the one who initiates the shopping trip and be the only person to not have bought anything by the end of the day.

Perhaps part of the reason is that the practical/rational part of my brain (which according to carlson is the prefrontal cortex) rarely ever lets me get away with it. Call me cheapskate, but I really cannot fathom how anyone could be willing to spend the ridiculous amounts of money some brands ask for. I saw a $99 Levis TEE-shirt today while I was out. Sure, it was certainly very pretty, but 99 bucks for a cotton t-shirt?! What? Do they use gold thread or something? Even if it were the case, why do you need to use gold thread on a t-shirt?

I dunno. I would much rather invest my money on a (few) really good pair(s) of comfy shoes. Not that I allow myself the luxury often either. Just saying it makes more sense to me. :/

Love, Wan
11:48 pm//Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008

the world | in retrospect

Oh, the Irony - Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009
Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
Wan Bakes Too! - Friday, Jan. 02, 2009
Trust - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008