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Life With The Dull Bits Cut Out

Somehow, hanging out with the PSF bunch just makes me smile. No more politics, no more drama. Just.. Friends working together for a common goal. And with Dennis Tan, the picture almost seems too good to be true. I hope that's the way it stays.

All in all, CCA fiesta was good fun and a success as far as we're concerned. Alex did a really great job of planning and it went without a hitch even though she wasn't around. Hooray!

Josiah, Max, Shaheen, Sara and I ended up bumming around in the dirty clubhouse for a bit, after postponing clubhouse cleaning because we decided that we were too tired to stay to pack today. Apparently, Sara has been posted to the commando unit for his stint in the army. He seems pretty happy with the arrangement. 7th July is his enlistment day, if I have my date right. Bah. Everyone's going to get gobbled up by the damned army only to come back speaking of nothing else! Lol.

Hrm, Josiah told us today that when the new semester starts, school should take priority over drama. For me, it's always been that way. I guess I have a newfound respect for the guy. He just seems so sensible and so.. Together, that it makes me feel bad for falling apart. It's so amazing how he manages to juggle so many things so well. Maybe he's right, being passionate about things really does help. I'm expecting really good things from him.

Oh, and Joey's finally back from his month-long trip to Thailand. I've missed his lameness.. Kinda. Unbelievable, but true.

It's been a long, but good day and Wan is tired but content. :)

Still not looking forward to school.

Love, Wan
6:57 pm//Friday, Apr. 21, 2006

the world | in retrospect

Oh, the Irony - Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009
Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
Wan Bakes Too! - Friday, Jan. 02, 2009
Trust - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008