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The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Is it just me or does it seem like everytime something good happens in life, something bad is just waiting to ambush you at the next corner? Gah. Life really is twisted.

Just found out that Alex's grandma has passed away.

Meeting her in a bit to pick up the stuff for CCA fiesta that are in her possession so that she can leave for Malaysia for the next 3 days with one less thing to worry about, hopefully.

I find myself wondering if they had been close and about what I should say when I do see her.

Death is never.. Good.

I remember when my grandma passed away. That happened about 5 and a half years ago, yet I remember the day clearly; and visiting her plaque (I don't know what else to call it) at the crematorium never fails to bring back all these memories of her passing.. Usually does nothing but depresses me because it reminds me of how tired, frail, and weak she'd looked in the days leading up to her death. Instead, I prefer to remember my grandmother as the woman who loved me and took care of me five of the seven days of the week for the first 12 or 13 odd years of my life.. The strong-willed, intelligent, fiery character who read me chinese stories, cooked no small amount of yummy cantonese styled dishes, shared the chinese newspapers with me sometimes and taught me so much about chopsticks, morals and consequences.

Guess I've never been very good with goodbyes.

Well.. You take care, my friend. We'll man the fort while you're away.

Love, Wan
7:45 pm//Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006

the world | in retrospect

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Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
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Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008