archived Gbook The Design This Dweller Thank You
Ramblings Of The Mentally Unsound

A very incoherent entry. Suppose it reflects the current state of my mind.

My life is starting to feel very.. Senseless, for my inability to find a better word. I haven't felt like this in a while, it's like I'm just getting swept along by it's current.. Going through the motions.

I'm not sure if it scares me.

Somehow, I've been feeling really dazed the entire day. My mind feels like it's working on overdrive but I can't put my finger on what's making it churn. Just random bits of gibberish whizzing around, taking up space and using up rescources. Kinda like when my printer decides to act up and starts giving me lines and lines of odd undecipherable codes instead of the piece of work I asked for.

One of these days I'll be tired of acting strong and crumble into a tiny million pieces.

Now, that scares me a little.. Maybe not as much as it should.

Love, Wan
4:46 pm//Monday, Apr. 17, 2006

the world | in retrospect

Oh, the Irony - Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009
Summery - Sunday, Jan. 04, 2009
Wan Bakes Too! - Friday, Jan. 02, 2009
Trust - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Catharsis - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008